Procure-to-PAy SERVICES

We are more than just a platform!


Support when you need it

Ensuring your content and platform are kept up to speed and support is provided, a structured approach to the administration of your platforms is a key to success in the long run.

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When you need it

Turn on the admin services for a limited time or as an ongoing service will allow you to free up resources and time.

For the P2Connct platform

Specialised hands-on monitoring and content maintenance to keep your data refreshed and user-friendly.

In your system

Based on scope, we can take extend our admin services to include your other platforms as well.


Content is king

Content on your platform is crucial to ensure a better user experience and to help users be more compliant. We can assist you in getting settled.

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Preparing for P2Connct

We know that not all content is equally always ready out of the box, so we can help you prepare to get started.

Structured data

Structured data and maintenance is required to work in a structured way. Regardless of system.

User-friendly content

Content should be catered for users, users should be empowered by content - this will help you drive compliance.


Are you in control of your process?

With our P2P expertise, we can help you assess your current P2P configuration and identify areas for improvement, enabling you to be proactive before your external audit visits.

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Checking your P2P setup

Evaluating your current setup regularly can help provide insights on where to improve, identify potential gaps.

Compliance checks

Doing targeted checks against process steps and policies is a way to increase ROI as well as find areas for improvement.

Improvement report

Our audit services will provide you with a report on our findings and recommendations for you to work on.

Procure-2-pay TRAINING

Training should not be boring

We have been around, we have seen a lot. Training can't be avoided but should be delivered efficiently and, in the best case, be embedded as part of your platforms and processes.

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P2P Project Training

Are you running a P2P project? Bring us in to help structure the training efforts and potentially also help deliver.

Targeted P2P Training

Some areas are more prone to complexity and employee turn-over. Doing targeted trainings can help reduce the noise.

Upskilling on Procure-to-Pay

Bringing a team up to the same level of awareness is a good starting point for any project. We can help get you get your team go further.

Contact us

Don't know where to start?

Let's talk about your current pain point and see where we could support you through the P2Connct platform or our services.

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